Inspiring Leadership
There are many myths about leadership which is one reason why over 80% of managers do not inspire their people. And why most employees consistently underperform versus their potential contribution – often by as much as 30% or more.
“Peter’s unique combination of business and psychology skills & experience enables him to achieve phenomenal results – which he has done consistently.”
Jeff Randall
Chief Sky (exBBC) Business Editor
There are many myths about leadership which is one reason why over 80% of managers do not inspire their people. And why most employees consistently underperform versus their potential contribution – often by as much as 30% or more.
“Peter has the knack of getting the very best out of people.”
Sir John Harvey Jones
(Voted Britain’s best business leader)
And this is very important because inspired employees are statistically likely to be deeply engaged employees, and research repeatedly shows that deeply engaged employees (versus disengaged employees)…
- Put in 20% more discretionary effort
- Deliver 35% more productivity
- Feel 50% more loyal with half the attrition rate
- Create 10 times the innovation
- Deliver 35% more sales
- 50% more profit
- And result in 150% higher share price.
This has been proven by many research studies including by the Harvard Business Review and US and UK Government research.
And yet research also shows that less than 20% of staff say they have experienced inspiring leadership in the last 5 years and that in many organisations less than 30% of staff are actively engaged, with 50 % not engaged and 20% actively disengaged!
The good news is that this gives a phenomenal opportunity for all leaders to substantially improve their organisation’s performance – simply by inspiring and engaging their employees.
How do you inspire your workforce?
We transform organisation’s performance, productivity and profit via five main services…
1 “Strategy to Action” Workshops – to refresh and refocus strategy, that inspires the entire workforce, with a plan to deliver it rapidly.
2 Executive Coaching – to MDs, CEO and their top teams.
3 Leadership Development – to upskill management into an inspiring and multi-skilled leadership team.
4 Key note speeches – to inspire motivate and upskill larger audiences.
5 Vic your Virtual Interactive Coach – a ground breaking digital platform that upskills, empowers and engages all of your people by giving them instant access to “A coach and trainer in their pocket – 24/7”.
Contact Us
If you are a CEO, MD or other senior business leader and want to explore how we can help you transform your organisation’s performance, productivity and profit please call me right now on +44(0) 7768 154316.