The Myths of Leadership

There are many myths about leadership that confuse and disempower managers and build self limiting beliefs that get in the way of leaders truly inspiring their teams.

For example how many of these statements do you think are true and how many are myths?

1 All leaders are born leaders.

2 Leadership can be learnt.

3 Leadership is all about charisma.

4 Leadership is the biggest single lever that CEOs and MDs can pull.

5 The number one thing that employees want from bosses is inspiring leadership.

6 Leadership and management are essentially the same thing.

Well the answer is 50/50. Three are true and three are myths. To find out which is which take a free test drive of the ground breaking Vic your Virtual Interactive Coach online system by clicking on the Test Drive Button below…

and go to the…

      • Leadership, Culture & Staff Academy.
      • Then pick the “How to be an inspiring leader” programme.
      • And then look at Step 3 called “The truths and myths of inspiring leadership” where you will find the truth behind these and other statements.

Incidentally here is the video called “The difference between leadership and management” which is Step 2 of that same programme.